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Multistakeholderism and the Corporate Capture of Global Food Governance

A new paper assesses how the increasing trend towards multistakeholderism and the corporate capture of global food governance can put further at risk previous achievements of the food sovereignty movement

The Liaison Group of the Autonomous People’s Response to the UNFSS, in which FIAN International is actively involved, has published a new analysis report in the face of the upcoming UNFSS Stocktaking Conference titled ‘Multistakeholderism and the Corporate Capture of Global Food Governance. What is at Risk in 2023?’.

The report highlights how multistakeholderism and corporate influence may deepen in 2023, potentially putting at risk the achievements of the food sovereignty movement, the reformed Committee on World Food Security (CFS), and certain democratic inroads within the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The Liaison Group, formed by social movements, Indigenous Peoples, and civil society, facilitated the global counter-mobilization to challenge the UNFSS in 2021. The group continues to do so in 2022-2023 as the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) advances its agenda, particularly in the face of the upcoming Stocktaking Moment conference that will take place in Rome from 24-26 July 2023.
Multistakeholderism, or “networked multilateralism,” is a governance proposal that enables the corporate capture of global decision-making. This approach blurs the distinctions between public interest and corporate profit, between the rich and the excluded, and between governments and companies. The UNFSS and its Coordination Hub are advancing this agenda despite widespread criticism from small food producers across the world and organizations representing those most affected by hunger and malnutrition.

Find the paper here.

For more information, visit this website

Media contacts: Marion Girard Cisneros - | Betsy Díaz Millan -


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